Executive Director

Title: Executive Director

Duration:  Permanent

Position Type: Full Time

Location: Apathy is Boring Office, 1514 avenue Docteur-Penfield, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

Start Date: May 29th, 2013

To apply: Send a resume, cover letter, and three references to Mackenzie Duncan, Chair, Board of Directors & Co-founder at info@apathyisboring.com

NOTE: Please indicate your availability in your cover letter to attend the staff & board retreat May 30th – June 2nd to take place 1.5 hours north of Montreal.

Website: www.apathyisboring.com

The Cause & Philosophy

Apathy is Boring is a non-partisan charitable organization that uses art and technology to educate youth about democracy, with the aim of increasing youth voter turnout, increasing youth engagement in the democratic process, and building a sustainable dialogue between youth and elected officials.

Apathy is Boring is a youth-led organization, and although not everyone atApathy is Boring is necessarily youth; our human resources policies are built with those in their early career in mind.

Apathy is Boring is non-partisan - we don't support or oppose any given party, candidate, campaign, or policy. Our content and programming are balanced and impartial and when discussing issues, we stick to the facts. It is important that anyone applying to work with Apathy is Boring abides by our non-partisanship policy.

If you want to know more about what we do check out our Annual Report 2011-2012.

Job Context

Apathy is Boring is looking for a leader who will guide the organization into its next phase of growth. Fund development, increased programmatic impact, stewardship of current clients, partners, and initiatives, and strong team management and mentoring, will all be priorities for the new Executive Director.

This is a unique opportunity for a dynamic individual, with a passion for democracy, electoral processes, youth engagement, and the change-making potential of art and technology. This individual should be excited to work closely with a strong Board of Directors, and the outgoing Executive Director, who will be moving out of an operational role and into a governance role.

Job Overview

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is the organization's key staff member and is responsible for the successful leadership and management of the organization according to organizational vision, mission, goals, and the strategic plan developed by the Board of Directors, along with staff, volunteers, and other key stakeholders.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Fund Development


  • Ensure financial viability through implementing the fundraising strategy and directing fund development, and earned revenue activities, carrying out donor and client relations, and ensuring overall fiscal accountability;
  • Deliver monthly reports to the Fundraising and Earned Revenue Committees.
  • Manage relationships with donors and clients, prepare grant applications, and participate in in-person ask / pitch meetings;

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Pursue new donor and client leads with an aim to develop a healthy and diverse base of funding partners.



  • Ensure sound financial management and controls, budget preparation, and forecasting in accordance with organizational policies and procedures;
  • Ensuring that the books of the organization are accurately maintained by the Development and Administrative Coordinator;
  • Report the financial results of A is B operations on the schedule established by the Finance Committee, but at least quarterly;
  • Be responsible for the timely remittance of payments to the government as required;
  • Liaise with creditors and ensure that contracts are fulfilled, and payments are made on a timely basis.

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Develop and monitor annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors;
  • Work with the Apathy is Boring accountant to prepare financial statements for approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Oversee the implementation of financial policies, procedures, and practices.

Operational and program planning and management


  • Ensure that benchmarks are set for the measuring success of all programs such that organizational culture is creative, continuously innovating, and impact driven;
  • Supervise, mentor, delegate, manage, and support staff activities in accordance with organizational quality control procedures;
  • Review, edit, and approve documents, project plans, action plans, and other documents written by staff, to ensure high quality standards;
  • Monitor on-going programs, through staff program plans, action plans, and regular staff check-ins, and identify any issues that may prevent success. Work with program area coordinators to mitigate risks, problem solve, and modify activities when necessary.

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Oversee the implementation of the operational and programming related policies, procedures, and practices.

Team planning and management


  • Determine all staffing requirements;
  • Responsible for recruiting, motivating, developing, evaluating, mentoring and managing a high quality team;
  • Establish a collegial, collaborative, and youth-friendly work environment where trust, integrity, humour, creativity, high professional standards, and open communication are valued;
  • Continually monitor professional standards of staff and ensure all employee performance evaluations are completed in a timely manner.

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Oversee the implementation of the human resources policies, procedures, and practices.

Public relations, relationship-building, and communications


  • Support the development of communications strategies and communications materials and messaging to effectively promote programs and expand reach.

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Oversee the implementation of the branding guidelines and content policy.

In partnership with the President of Apathy is Boring

  • Represent the organization in English and French at events, conferences, and in the media.
  • Initiate, develop, and manage partnerships in order to reach strategic and operational goals with stakeholders such as elected officials, electoral agencies, non-profit and charitable organizations, musicians, celebrities, notable Canadians etc.

Strategic planning and governance


  • Implement the vision, mission, and strategic goals by leading the staff through the development of short and long-range operational plans (yearly action plans, monthly action plans);
  • Support Board of Directors and Board Committees by preparing meeting agendas in partnership with the Board Chair and Vice-Chair, ensuring all written reports are prepared in advance, and relevant materials are provided.

In partnership with the Board of Directors

  • Identify, assess, and inform the Board of Directors of internal and external issues that effect the organization as part of an annual Strategic Plan review.


  • 3-5 years experience in a leadership or management role;
  • Demonstrated capacity to learn on the job, and react / correct quickly;
  • Creative, solutions finder, and lateral thinker who is always looking for opportunities;
  • Organized, detail oriented, and likes structure, excited to build on existing organizational structures, and processes;
  • Team player, who is excited to work with two co-founders, Board of Directors, staff, interns, and volunteers to take the organization to its next phase of growth;
  • Experience in fund development including major gifts, donor campaigns, and donor stewardship;
  • Experience in grant writing for government and private family foundations;
  • Experience in financial management including preparing budgets, charitable returns, forecasting cash flow, and maintaining controls;
  • Experience working with an accountant to prepare financial statements;
  • Experience in project and program management;
  • Experience in team management with an emphasis on mentorship, as well as supporting professional and personal development;
  • Experience working with paid clients;
  • Experience in event management;
  • Experience in presenting and facilitation for both youth and adult audiences;
  • Strong writing and editing skills, experience writing reports for public, paid client, or academic audience;
  • Bilingual in written and spoken French and English;
  • Strong knowledge of and interest in Canadian politics and democracy;
  • Strong interest in youth engagement and youth electoral engagement;
  • Knowledge of the NGO sector in Canada;
  • Experience working with aboriginal youth or in northern Canada an asset;
  • Experience working in the Canadian music industry an asset;
  • Interest in design, and understanding of the importance of good branding;
  • Excellent attention to detail and proven track record of accuracy;
  • High personal integrity, honesty and professional standards;
  • Youth-friendly, excited to work with youth and those who are young at heart; and
  • A sense of humour, quick wit, and positive attitude.


Salary $46,000 - $52,000 a year, including a generous vacation package, $500 per year for professional development, a great team to work with, and a flexible work environment.

Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 3, 2013
Start Date: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Graduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail

Sponsorship Manager

This is a Maternity Leave position as the Sponsorship Manager of POP Montreal. The Primary responsibility of this position is to generate income through corporate sponsorship by pursuing new relationships, maintaining and growing existing relationships, ensuring the fulfillment of all sponsorship agreements and managing partnership relationships.

For more information, please go to http://popmontreal.com/pop-seeks-sponsorship-manager-maternity/

Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 24, 2013
Start Date: 
Friday, June 14, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Undergraduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail

Directeur Des Commandites

Ce poste est un remplacement de congé maternité à titre de directeur des commandites pour POP Montréal. La responsabilité principale liée à ce poste est de générer des revenus sous forme de commandites privées en créant de nouvelles relations d'affaires; en maintenant, en gérant et en consolidant les relations professionnelles existantes; et en assurant le respect de toutes les ententes de commandites conclues.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site http://popmontreal.com/fr/pop-seeks-sponsorship-manager-maternity/

Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 24, 2013
Start Date: 
Friday, June 14, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Undergraduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail

Online Art Sales and Marketing Guru

The Oeno Gallery seeks dynamic individual to refine and execute our revamped online sales and marketing strategy, managing our digital presence and online storefront. Must have experience in visual arts, online sales and marketing, ability to work independently, and lots of creativity. Part time contract position. Flexible hours. Work at the gallery (located in eastern Ontario) or work remotely with online collaboration. Preference will be given to applicants with online sales and marketing experience in the arts, an art degree. Bilingual (French English) an asset. www.oenogallery.com

Please send questions and/or cover letter, cv, and detailed examples of online marketing AND sales experience to info@oenogalley.com



Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 3, 2013
Start Date: 
Monday, May 13, 2013
Type of Work: 
Education Level: 
University (Graduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail

Adjoint / Ajointe bilingue des communications

Le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario est un organisme autonome financé par la province et relevant du ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport. Le but premier du CAO est d’octroyer des subventions aux artistes et aux organismes artistiques professionnels.


Salaire de base : 37 760 $ -- 42 480 $

Échelle salariale : 37 760 $ -- 56 640 $


Le Conseil des arts de l'Ontario (CAO) est à la recherche d'efficience supérieure pour fournir des services d'administration et de soutien au service des Communications. Ce poste sera attrayant pour une personne d'expérience en administration et de formation en communications qui souhaite acquérir une expérience directe en communications. 


Principales responsabilités :

  • En rapport hiérarchique avec la directrice des Communications, la personne titulaire de ce poste apporte son soutien aux opérations du service en prêtant main forte à la coordination entre les agences et fournisseurs externes d'une part, et le service des Communications d'autre part;
  • Services de soutien et d'administration auprès du services des Communications, comme le maintien des systèmes de classement central, le monitorage médiatique et la revue de presse électronique, le maintien de l'inventaire des publications d'entreprise, ainsi que le téléchargement et le monitorage du calendrier du service;
  • Responsable de l'administration et de la gestion des procédures financières du service des Communications, incluant la préparation, le traitement et le monitorage des demandes et des bons d'achat, de la facturation et du traitement de toute la documentation financière, pour assurer une vérification adéquate de la réception des biens et services ainsi que des paiements;
  • Responsable d'organiser et de déployer des plans de distribution d'information, en consultation avec la directrice des Communications; incluant l'extraction de listes d'envoi et les multipostages envoyés par la poste, incluant les lettres et les enveloppes; l'extraction de listes d'envoi électronique et le téléchargement dans un système de distribution électronique pour les communiqués acheminés par Internet;
  • Recherche, mise à jour et maintien des listes de contact professionnels, incluant les principaux intervenants;
  • Compilation et maintien des listes médiatiques utilisées à des fins de communications;
  • Appui ponctuel, en fonction des priorités, pour les tâches de la directrice et des coordonnateurs des Communications;
  • Appui à la coordination d'événements, incluant la mise au point de listes, la création d'insignes porte-nom et d'affiches, ainsi que le monitorage des réponses (RSVP);
  • Préparation des trousses médiatiques et d'événements spéciaux;
  • Monitorage de l'utilisation adéquate du logo du CAO;
  • Rédaction, révision et lecture d'épreuves, à la demande des coordonnateurs et de la directrice.


Qualifications :

  • Connaissances en communications acquises dans un cadre d'éducation supérieure en Communications et(ou) expérience de travail au sein d'un service de communications;
  • Expérience significative pertinente et démontrée de services d'administration et de secrétariat accentuée de solides aptitudes d'organisation, d'attention aux détails et d'une connaissance approfondie des procédures de bureau;
  • Excellente frappe (50 mpm) et infoculture de Microsoft Office et des bases de données;
  • Compétences de rédaction, de révision et de communication verbale en anglais de niveau supérieur, de même qu'une solide maîtrise de la communication verbale et écrite en français;
  • Expérience de suivi et de monitorage de budgets et des dépenses;
  • Excellentes relations interpersonnelles et aptitudes de communication; doigté et discrétion;
  • Capacité d'établir des relations de travail positives et efficaces à l'interne et à l'externe, à divers niveaux et auprès d'une diversité de personnalités;
  • Excellentes aptitudes de coordination alliées à un esprit d'initiative de niveau élevé;
  • Capacité de travailler sous tension pour respecter des dates limites et flexibilité démontrée de réorganisation des priorités et des charges de travail en fonction des besoins;
  • Solide jugement pour reconnaître les demandes qui présentent un potentiel délicat ou inhabituel;
  • Expérience de travail ou de soutien dans les secteurs cités considérée comme un atout : planification et coordination d'événement, production de matériel d'impression et d'autres types de matériel, relations avec les médias et les divers paliers de gouvernement;
  • Connaissance d'ordre général et appréciation des arts considérées comme un atout;
  • Peut être appelé à assister à des événements à l'extérieur des heures normales de bureau.


Les candidats qualifiés sont invités à envoyer une lettre de présentation accompagnée d’un CV, avant le 10 mai 2013, par l’une des méthodes suivantes :


Par la poste :  Conseil des arts de l’Ontario, Bureau des ressources humaines, DOSSIER No 01-13, 151, rue Bloor Ouest, 5e étage, Toronto (Ontario)  M5S 1T6

En ligne :  (http://www.arts.on.ca/Page3436.aspx)


Les personnes ayant une limitation fonctionnelle qui nécessite des mesures d’adaptation à n’importe quelle étape du processus d’embauchage peuvent s’adresser à Nina Small par téléphone (1 800 387 0058, poste 7426) ou par courriel (nsmall@arts.on.ca).


Le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario souscrit au principe d'équité en matière d'emploi et appuie sans réserve la diversité en milieu de travail. Tous les candidats compétents sont invités à présenter une demande, notamment ceux de groupes revendiquant l'équité. Nous remercions tous les candidats de leur intérêt, mais communiquerons uniquement avec ceux qui seront sélectionnés pour une entrevue.



Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 10, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
Technical Training
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By Mail
In Person
Apply Online

Bilingual Communications Assistant

The Ontario Arts Council is a publicly funded arm’s-length agency of Ontario’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.  OAC’s primary purpose is to award grants to professional artists and arts organizations.


Starting Salary: $37,760 - $42,480

Salary Range: $37,760 - $56,640


The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) requires a highly efficient person to provide administrative and support services to the Communications department. This position would be interesting to an individual with administrative experience and communications training wanting to gain direct experience in communications. 


Key Responsibilities:

  • Reporting to the Director of Communications, this role supports the operations of the department by assisting with the coordination between external agencies and vendors and the Communications department;
  • Performs administrative and support services for the Communications department by maintaining central filing systems, media monitoring and electronic compilation of news clippings, maintaining inventory of corporate publications, and updating and monitoring of department’s calendar;
  • Responsible for the administration and management of Communication’s financial procedures by preparing, processing and monitoring purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices, and the processing of all financial documentation, ensuring proper sign-off for receipt of goods and services and payments;
  • Responsible for organizing and implementing distribution plans for mailings, in consultation with the Director of Communications; including extracting mailing lists and performing mail merges to prepare hardcopy letters and envelopes for distribution; extracting electronic mailing lists and uploading to electronic distribution system;
  • Researching, updating, and maintaining corporate contact lists including key stakeholders;
  • Compiling and maintaining media lists for communication purposes;
  • Providing support to the Director and Communications Coordinators as required and based on priority;
  • Providing event coordination support including list development, the creation of name tags and signage and the monitoring of RSVPs;
  • Preparing media and special event kits;
  • Monitoring for the proper use of the OAC logo;
  • Writing, editing and proofreading as requested by Coordinators and Director.



  • Knowledge of communications gained through specific higher-education in Communications and/or experience working for a communications department;
  • Significant related and proven administrative/secretarial experience with strong organizational skills, attention to detail and a thorough knowledge of office procedures;
  • Excellent keyboard skills (50 wpm) and computer literacy with Microsoft Office and contact databases;
  • Above average writing, editing and verbal communications skills in English, as well as advanced written and verbal French proficiency;
  • Experience tracking and monitoring budgets and expenses;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, tact and discretion;
  • Ability to establish positive and effective working relationships internally and externally at all levels with a diverse range of individuals;
  • Excellent coordinating skills combined with a high degree of initiative;
  • Ability to work under pressure to meet tight deadlines, and demonstrate flexibility in determining workload priorities and rearranging workload at a moment’s notice if urgent needs arise;
  • Solid judgment to flag enquiries which are potentially sensitive or unusual;
  • Experience working in or providing support in the following areas is a definite asset: event planning and coordination, production of print and other materials, media and government relations;
  • General knowledge and appreciation of the arts is an asset;
  • Attendance at events outside normal working hours may be required on occasion.


Qualified candidates are invited to submit a cover letter and resume, by May 10, 2013 using one of the following methods:

Mail:        Ontario Arts Council, Human Resources Office, FILE #01-13, 151 Bloor Street West, 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario  M5S 1T6

Online:   (http://www.arts.on.ca/Page3435.aspx)


If you are a person with a disability and require accommodation in any stage of the recruitment process please contact Nina Small at 1-800-387-0058 x 7426 or nsmall@arts.on.ca.


The Ontario Arts Council is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and strongly supports and values diversity in the workplace. Applications from all qualified candidates are welcome and individuals from equity-seeking groups are encouraged to apply. While we thank all candidates for their interest, only those selected for interview will be contacted.



Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 10, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
Technical Training
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By Mail
In Person
Apply Online

Executive Director - Burlington Performing Arts Centre



 A Cultural Management Consulting Firm



Burlington, ON

Executive Director


The Burlington Performing Arts Centre invites applications and referrals for the position of Executive Director.


The Burlington Performing Arts Centre:


The Burlington Performing Arts Centre, located in the heart of downtown Burlington, is a new 63,000 sq. foot facility that opened in 2011.  The building, designed by Diamond + Schmitt Inc., is a LEED-certified (leadership in energy and environmental design), Ontario’s first stand-alone green performing arts venue.  


The Main Theatre (seating capacity 718) includes a six-story fly tower and an orchestra pit to accommodate more elaborate theatrical and musical productions.  The Community Studio Theatre is a flexible “black box” space to be used for professional series presentations, community presentations and rehearsals, as well as corporate and social events, seating up to 225. The generously-scaled Family Lobby accommodates large groups and serves as a venue for receptions, exhibitions, corporate functions and civic events. The lobby is open with a glass roof and is encircled by a balcony-level lobby above, creating a unique social setting.


The Centre is also a much-needed community gathering space, capable of hosting conferences, product launches, client appreciation events, community events and more. A publicly accessible pedestrian bridge links The Centre with the neighbouring parking garage, located at 414 Locust Street. 

The Position of Executive Director:


Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director as the Chief Operating Officer of the corporation is charged with developing an effective economic operating model for the performing arts centre, balancing between community-based arts groups, the Centre’s professional series of programs, and other community/corporate rentals and usage.  The Executive Director is responsible for general operations, budget development, strategic planning, general administration, revenue generation, and community liaison, overseeing staff working in such areas as marketing, fund-raising, programming, box office, front of house, technical/artistic operations, building maintenance and finance. 



The City of Burlington:


Chosen in 2013 as Canada’s third best “Best Places to Live” and the Best Mid-Size City by MoneySense magazine, the City of Burlington is home to a number of leading companies with global mandates.  With enviable access to regional, national and international transportation networks, Burlington is central to the Golden Horseshoe, one of the most prosperous areas in Canada.  A charming area with a vibrant history and an historic downtown, Burlington is home to many cultural/recreational organizations including the Burlington Art Centre, the Royal Botanical Gardens, Discovery Landing, the Joseph Brant Museum, The Aldershot Players, the Burlington Teen Tour Band, Theatre Burlington, Burlington Student Theatre, and Drury Lane Theatrical Productions.  The Burlington Performing Arts Centre is located near Spencer Smith Park, home of Canada’s largest Ribfest and the Sound of Music Festival, two top Ontario festivals. 


With the mission to become the best and most inclusive performing arts and community centre in Ontario by 2020, the Burlington Performing Arts Centre seeks an industry professional who will be an articulate champion, a dynamic and entrepreneurial leader with a thorough grounding in performing arts facility management and arts programming. 





The ideal candidate will have previous senior experience in leading performing arts venue, a minimum of seven years of not for profit arts venue management, and a university degree  in arts and/or business management or equivalent experience in facility management and administration. 


The new Executive Director will have excellent analytical, financial and organizational skills, with demonstrated leadership in fund-raising.  Other necessary characteristics would include political savvy and diplomacy, good oral and written communication skills, a track record in community participation and partnership, experience in human resource management, and knowledge of ancillary businesses such as catering, ticketing, corporate rentals, and the like.  


The Executive Director represents the Centre to the public, the media and the performing arts industry at large through leadership and participation in community activities.  The Centre has a pivotal role in the cultural, educational and economic enrichment of the City of Burlington; the Executive Director must be able to establish and maintain effective working relationships with elected officials, the media, artists, board members, artist managers, other arts groups, sponsors, educational institutions, volunteers, and the audience. 


Other Information and Application Process:


Salary commensurate with experience.  Excellent benefits package. Interested candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest, resume, and list of references by Friday, May 10, 2013 in confidence to:


 Margaret Genovese

Senior Partner


77 Carlton Street, Suite 1103

Toronto, ON, Canada  M5B 2J7




For additional information see:  www.genovesevanderhoof.com. www.burlingtonpac.ca




Application Deadline: 
Monday, May 20, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Graduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail

Marketing & Sales


Function: Operating within the Marketing & Development department, this outbound position is responsible for developing and executing strategies to increase earned revenue through ticket sales.
Duties and Responsibilities may include multiple aspects of the following:
• Grow ticket sales for Drayton Entertainment productions and hit established volume targets.
• Develop multi‐faceted marketing and sales campaigns that will engage a range of diverse
customers, through advertising & promotions, communications & publicity, and special events &
• Initiate meaningful programs to strengthen relationships with existing customers as well as cultivate relationships with new audiences to complement desired areas of growth per Drayton
Entertainment’s strategic plan.
• Measure sales progress and develop responsive strategies.
• Assist in developing policies and best practices to serve the department.
• Design and coordinate various promotional materials required to increase ticket sales among
targeted sectors.
• Deliver innovative business models, branding, and marketing approaches using traditional and
new media platforms.
Coordination & Representation
• Organize promotional displays and represent Drayton Entertainment by attending demonstrations, trade shows, meetings and events that are designed to increase sales.
• Schedule and execute public speaking engagements in all markets to further increase awareness of the Drayton Entertainment product.
• Interact and liaise with appropriate organizations regarding trends and issues.

To Apply:
Interested candidates should respond in writing by May 3 to:
Steven Karcher
Executive Director
Drayton Entertainment
46 Grand Ave. S., Cambridge, ON N1S 2L8
This position is based in Cambridge, Ontario.


Application Deadline: 
Friday, May 3, 2013
Start Date: 
Monday, May 13, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Undergraduate)
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By Mail
By E-Mail

Directeur(trice) général(e) de PRIM

PRIM est un centre autogéré au service de la créativité des artistes professionnels de l'image en mouvement et du son qui souhaitent réaliser des oeuvres indépendantes de qualité, dans un contexte d'hybridité des pratiques.  

PRIM est subventionné par le Conseil des Arts du Canada, le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec et le Conseil des arts de Montréal.

Sous la supervision du conseil d'administration, le (la) titulaire doit gérer les activités et le personnel, voir au suivi de la planification stratégique et au développement à court et à long terme de l'organisme. Il (elle) doit préparer, rédiger et faire le suivi des demandes de subventions en collaboration avec l’assistance administrative.

Le profil du (de la) candidat(e) :

Très bonne expérience en gestion dans le secteur culturel, expérience en gestion du personnel, expérience en financement public d’organisme artistique, connaissance approfondie des enjeux et de l’actualité des arts médiatiques, leadership et aptitudes à stimuler l'apport créatif, excellente capacité de communication écrite et verbale, bonnes capacités d'analyse.

Qualifications et compétences recherchées :

  • Diplôme universitaire en administration (ou équivalent);
  • 3 à 5 ans d'expérience en gestion dans le secteur culturel (ou équivalent);
  • Leadership, autonomie et capacité à travailler sous pression;
  • Solides aptitudes de communication et compétences dans la supervision d'une équipe;
  • Excellente maîtrise de la langue française, parlée et écrite, anglais fonctionnel;
  • Bonne connaissance de l'environnement Windows, des logiciels de base de données et des logiciels communs;
  • Connaissance du milieu de la vidéo, de l'audio et du cinéma indépendant;
  • Connaissance de base des équipements de production;
  • Habileté politique.

Date de tombée et conditions de dépôt de dossier :

  • Date de tombée : mercredi 1er mai 2013 à 17 heures;
  • Soumettre uniquement le curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages) accompagné d’une lettre de motivation;
  • Vous devez être disponible pour une entrevue les 10 et 15 mai 2013;
  • Seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés.

Conditions de travail :

  • Entrée en fonction le lundi 3 juin 2013;
  • Poste permanent, 5 jours par semaine (35h. semaine);
  • Salaire selon expérience.

Faites parvenir votre candidature à l'attention de CA-PRIM à cacentreprim@gmail.com

Application Deadline: 
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Start Date: 
Monday, June 3, 2013
Type of Work: 
Full Time
Education Level: 
University (Graduate)
Additional Languages: 
Prefered Method(s) of Application: 
By E-Mail


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